The first IEEE-WIA (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-Women in Engineering Affinity Group) Turkey conference, which annually brings together members to contribute to the provision of gender equality in working life, was held at the İnan Kıraç Conference Hall at our university on December 9th. 1100 people from 64 universities all around Turkey participated in the conference organized by IEEE WIE Turkey Representative Özgener Sevgili, IEEE WIE presidents and the IEEE WIE Yeditepe team. The conference, which aims to raise awareness about the difficulties of being a woman in every field and sector, and to provide solutions to these problems, started with the opening speeches of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Instructor Deniz Pazarci and Yeditepe WIE President Didem Ceren Öztürk.
Later the following presentations were made: "Women in Medicine" by Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Dr. Banu Çiftçi, "Female Engineers in the Health Sector" by PHILIPS Healthcare Business Manager Güneş Yavuz, "Women in Entrepreneurship" by GUVENSAN Co-Founder Münteha Adalı, "Women in Engineering" by PHILIPS Strategy and New Businesses Development Director Selin Türkmenoğlu, , "Women in the Eyes of Men" by Turkish Cancer Society President Burak Duruman and "Women in the Media" by Dijital Topuklar Co-founders Perihan Gürer and Elif Doğan.