Our university 3975 employees in total and 3021 are working for over 24 months for the university. 1042 of the 3975 are academic staff; 152 of them are working in STEM fields, 349 are working in medical field, and 541 are working in the fields of art, humanities or social sciences.
Sustainability criteria are applied in structural elements and green areas at the Yeditepe University Campus. All campus buildings have green building features such as natural ventilation, full-day natural lighting, and an energy management system. Green areas within the campus take up a large space. Sustainability criteria are used in the design, maintenance and application of green areas. Besides, Yeditepe University also conducts studies to create an Arboretum. The development and protection of plant material are continued every year in the Arboretum and the campus landscaping area.
Yeditepe University aims recognition and prestige in the fields of education, scientific research, and social service from the standpoint of environmental awareness and sustainability. Arboretum Protocol has been initiated towards that purpose, and there is also a sustainable environment policy is realised towards that aim. Goals from that policy are;
- Generating awareness on environmental issues and sustainability on students, employees, and portions of our society; making environmental consciousness a part of life for us and others around.
- Considering environmental issues in all decisions and actions.
- Taking sustainability actions in several fields in order to create a sustainable campus life.
- Taking precautions for preserving and using natural resources efficiently by conducting recycling and waste reducement programs.
- Conducting sustainability criteria in all campus infrastructure; such as campus setting, structures, and green spaces,
- Taking precautions related to energy and climate change issues such as using alternative sources of energy or energy efficiency practices.
- Encouring classes, academic syllabuses, scientific researches, academic publications and events related to environmental and sustainability issues.
- Publicizing applications related to environmental and sustainability issues in order to generate awareness upon the subject.
- Becoming a leading educational facility in the international stage via efforts on environmental and sustainability issues.
Arboretum is open for public visit by applicatin and frequently visited by schools, academics and other individuals.

Our sports facilities cover a wide range of indoor and outdoor branches, offering students many opportunities for exercise. The indoor facilities, located in the Recreational Hall, include two volleyball and basketball courts – one with tiered spectator seating – a squash court, a fitness center, a semi-Olympic swimming pool – again, with seating area – and a table tennis area. These are complemented by outdoor facilities like a swimming pool, sports areas for basketball, volleyball and tennis, and an Astroturf soccer pitch.
Our halls of residence, which are conveniently located at the center of İstanbul in Ataşehir, have a capacity of 4.250 people. While you can pursue your University education over a 123.000 square meters full equipped campus field, you can benefit from the hall of residence opportunities on our campus. The rooms in the hall of residences are mostly for two people. The rooms include a bathroom, a mini-fridge, a private desk, a chair, glass bookshelves, a wardrobe with a mirror and other furniture made of nonflammable material. Additionally, 24 hours internet connection is available. Students who accommodate the hall of residence can benefit from the 24-hour uninterrupted Knowledge Center and Social Facilities which include, a restaurant, both indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a fitness center, a squash center and a sauna. There are also housing options for our academic employees in Kartal and Suadiye districts with 4086 square meters area of usage in total.
Moreover, the Arcade on the ground floor of the Recreational Hall has a bookstore, a bank, a convenience store, a barber’s and hair stylist, a clothing store, and a health and beauty store that also sells souvenirs.
There are designated areas for smoking in the open fields of the campus, in line with the third subtitle of the concerning regulations within the country.